Virtuix, founded in April 2013, is a pioneer in the modern wave of Virtual Reality (VR) innovation. The release of the Microsoft Kinect in November 2010 ...
Step into a world where your virtual avatar mirrors your every move. With Omni One, you can fully immerse yourself in your favorite games, using your entire ... Virtuix | Omni One · Discover Omni One Core · Games · Accessories
Virtuix develops cutting-edge omni-directional treadmills that transform the way you play VR games. Our products enable you to walk, run, crouch, and jump with ...
The Virtuix Omni is an omnidirectional treadmill simulator for virtual reality games and other applications. It uses a platform to simulate locomotion i.e. ...
Omni One is the ultimate VR gaming system that provides unmatched immersion and complete freedom of movement. Walk, run, crouch, and jump in a full-body ... Omni One · Omni One Core Built for PC VR · Games · Omni Arena - for players